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Peers Analysis for BRG-B.ST

Real-time Full Quote lists & Returns

symbol name price changes percentage change day low day high year high year low market cap price avg 50 price avg 200 exchange volume avg volume open previous close eps pe earnings announcement shares outstanding timestamp 1 day return % 1 week return % 1 month return % 3 months return % 6 months return % 1 year return % 3 years return % 5 years return % 10 years return % maximum return %
BRG-B.ST Bergs Timber AB (publ) 44.55 0.1124 0.05 44.0 44.6 45.15 23.4 1544673240 39.929 32.3815 STO 13755 98778 44.15 44.5 -1.26 -35.357142857142854 2024-01-31T00:00:00.000+0000 34672800 2023-12-21 16:17:50 0.0 0.0 0.11235955 75.04912 57.69912 31.61005 45.114 48.5 51.01695 -0.54903185
BEGR.ST BE Group AB (publ) 43.7 -1.6873 -0.75 43.7 44.95 67.8 43.55 567364966 46.053 52.794 STO 22523 7286 44.85 44.45 -3.21 -13.61 2025-04-23T09:00:00.000+0000 12983180 2025-01-31 16:29:39 -1.6873 -10.26694 -5.92034 -14.31373 -15.47389 -26.30691 -69.33333 21.05263 -21.26126 -92.58618
BMAX.ST Byggmax Group AB (publ) 49.5 0.243 0.12 47.0 51.35 51.35 31.0 2901937500 45.5624 40.6043 STO 911517 129478 50.0 49.38 0.58 85.34 2025-01-31T06:45:00.000+0000 58625000 2025-01-31 16:29:53 0.243 7.5152 8.55263 5.54371 31.16057 36.51407 -32.19178 77.03863 -10.0 2.06186
RROS.ST Rottneros AB (publ) 9.46 -1.046 -0.1 9.42 9.53 12.62 8.75 1443331451 9.2068 10.4609 STO 37645 52893 9.48 9.56 -0.11 -86.0 2025-02-06T07:00:00.000+0000 152572035 2025-01-31 16:29:37 -1.046 -4.44444 4.53039 -1.76532 -15.23297 -19.6944 -14.31159 -13.05147 103.87931 -65.6
BILL.ST BillerudKorsnäs AB (publ) 114.0 -0.1751 -0.2 113.3 114.7 118.2 86.08 28352312886 102.509 103.402 STO 370475 519461 114.2 114.2 2.46 46.34 2025-02-04T06:00:00.000+0000 248704499 2025-01-31 16:29:32 -0.1751 1.87668 10.78717 20.95491 6.94184 24.12892 -18.39072 1.43251 -3.18471 39.70015
HOLM-B.ST Holmen AB (publ) 420.4 0.478 2.0 404.8 424.6 464.8 390.8 67979448491 411.656 421.79 STO 293186 158200 414.0 418.4 17.91 23.47 2025-01-29T00:00:00.000+0000 161701828 2025-01-31 16:29:30 0.478 0.19065777 2.58663 -0.14251781 1.54589 4.03366 -8.96492 48.23695 179.98668 169.91974