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Explore the Correlation Between Close Prices and Federal Funds Rate

Our tool allows you to explore the potential relationship between the close prices of a given product and the Federal Funds Rate (FEDFUNDS), which is a key interest rate set by the Federal Reserve. This rate plays a crucial role in the United States' monetary policy and can influence economic activity, including the stock market. By entering a ticker, you can visualize how changes in the FEDFUNDS rate may correlate with the product's price movements over time.

How It Works

The tool uses historical data on close prices and the Federal Funds Rate to construct a linear regression model. This model attempts to predict close price changes based on fluctuations in the FEDFUNDS rate. The resulting visualization includes actual close price data plotted against the FEDFUNDS rate, along with a regression line that represents the predicted relationship between these two variables.

The direction of the regression line (upward, downward, or relatively flat) provides insight into the nature of the relationship:

Model Limitations

While this model provides insights into potential correlations, it's important to understand its limitations:

Cautionary Note

This tool is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the sole basis for making investment decisions. The market is influenced by numerous factors, and investing carries inherent risks. We recommend consulting with financial advisors or conducting further research before making investment choices.

By using this tool, you acknowledge the limitations of the model and agree to not rely solely on its output for investment decisions.

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