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Peers Analysis for FATBP

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symbol name price changes percentage change day low day high year high year low market cap price avg 50 price avg 200 exchange volume avg volume open previous close eps pe earnings announcement shares outstanding timestamp 1 day return % 1 week return % 1 month return % 3 months return % 6 months return % 1 year return % 3 years return % 5 years return % 10 years return % maximum return %
FATBP FAT Brands Inc. 9.77 -0.40775 -0.04 9.72 9.88 16.37 9.13 158525089 9.83466 11.21152 NASDAQ 20770 23440 9.88 9.81 -3.357 -2.91 2025-03-05T21:00:00.000+0000 6290700.0 2025-02-21 21:00:01 -0.40775 -1.31313 -1.71026 3.27696 -11.18182 -35.72368 -34.56129 -47.18919 -47.18919 -47.18919
FBIOP Fortress Biotech, Inc. 6.04 -0.98361 -0.06 5.9 6.2 18.005 4.86 44719991 6.69422 8.46011 NASDAQ 19998 11572 6.05 6.1 -0.863 -7.0 2025-03-26T10:59:00.000+0000 7403963.0 2025-02-21 21:00:00 -0.98361 -7.07692 -13.71429 17.96875 -9.03614 -60.72822 -75.72347 -70.52221 -75.09278 -75.09278
CSSEP Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, Inc. 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.64 14.307 0.0605 1404104 2.12282 3.4227579 NASDAQ 2460666 163696 0.64 0.4 -4.173 -0.09585430146177809 2024-08-12T10:59:00.000+0000 3510260.0 2025-01-16 21:00:00 0.0 39900.0 39900.0 39900.0 39900.0 -62.61682 -98.39164 -98.46508 -98.39357 -98.39357
OTRKP Ontrak, Inc. 0.24 0.0 0.0 0.2357 0.24 0.745 0.1272 953072 0.24324 0.25849 NASDAQ 312 5127 0.2357 0.24 -2.843 -0.08 2025-04-14T10:59:00.000+0000 3971134.0 2025-02-21 20:00:00 0.0 1.82435 -2.73556 -12.7907 4.34783 -40.0 -97.32143 -99.03614 -99.03614 -99.03614
FAT FAT Brands Inc. 3.5 -2.77778 -0.1 3.48 3.59 5.08919 2.51394 61237754 3.26992 3.02012 NASDAQ 59670 71876 3.59 3.6 -9.22 -0.38 2025-03-05T21:00:00.000+0000 17496501.0 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -2.77778 -7.89474 10.75949 18.24324 19.45392 -27.98354 -20.99323 75.8794 -30.13972 -30.13972
FRGAP Franchise Group, Inc. 25.15 0.0 0.0 25.0401 25.15 25.15 25.0401 0 25.15 25.15 NASDAQ 2981 2981 25.07 25.15 8.588 2.93 2023-04-01T00:00:00.000+0000 nan 2025-01-16 21:00:00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.78895464 1.61616 1.61616 1.61616