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Peers Analysis for JPM

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symbol name price changes percentage change day low day high year high year low market cap price avg 50 price avg 200 exchange volume avg volume open previous close eps pe earnings announcement shares outstanding timestamp 1 day return % 1 week return % 1 month return % 3 months return % 6 months return % 1 year return % 3 years return % 5 years return % 10 years return % maximum return %
JPM JPMorgan Chase & Co. 242.31 1.6444 3.92 239.07 242.4922 254.31 164.3 682185035400 235.9978 211.0727 NYSE 3628087 8832219 239.43 238.39 17.99 13.47 2025-01-15T13:30:00.000+0000 2815340000 2024-12-24 18:00:01 1.6444 4.47999 -3.06437 15.50672 22.73211 43.89809 53.20561 74.27359 287.38609 2434.62343
C Citigroup Inc. 71.0 1.7629 1.23 69.935 71.21 73.38 50.51 134279460000 67.8474 63.1851 NYSE 6110253 13673346 70.1 69.77 3.51 20.23 2025-01-15T13:30:00.000+0000 1891260000 2024-12-24 18:00:02 1.7629 3.96837 1.79211 15.05429 15.91837 38.29373 17.06513 -11.061 30.44277 337.19212
WFC Wells Fargo & Company 71.375 1.1837 0.835 70.54 71.59 78.13 46.12 237642348750 70.0208 60.7832 NYSE 4385458 17997430 70.67 70.54 4.81 14.84 2025-01-15T13:30:00.000+0000 3329490000 2024-12-24 18:00:01 1.1837 3.1878 -7.72463 26.57386 25.19733 43.78525 46.35022 31.80979 29.11541 6762.98077
TD The Toronto-Dominion Bank 52.99 0.7223 0.38 52.57 53.06 65.12 51.25 92746807300 55.2854 57.57915 NYSE 684529 2856509 52.58 52.61 3.3 16.06 2025-02-27T13:30:00.000+0000 1750270000 2024-12-24 18:00:01 0.7223 2.8932 -5.1718 -16.30074 -3.12614 -18.1748 -30.70485 -5.25657 11.6284 1001.6632
NU Nu Holdings Ltd. 10.37 1.2695 0.13 10.3 10.405 16.145 8.06 49249655728 13.5822 12.8003 NYSE 25988943 36622411 10.3 10.24 0.36 28.81 2025-02-17T21:00:00.000+0000 4749243561 2024-12-24 18:00:02 1.2695 1.26953 -25.60976 -24.96382 -18.21767 24.93976 6.46817 0.38722168 0.38722168 0.38722168
BAC Bank of America Corporation 44.38 1.1164 0.49 43.93 44.415 48.08 31.27 340522414400 44.6968 40.43035 NYSE 10424949 34990138 43.93 43.89 2.76 16.08 2025-01-16T13:30:00.000+0000 7672880000 2024-12-24 18:00:02 1.1164 2.73148 -7.05759 12.29757 13.79487 31.06911 -0.58243728 24.94369 146.82981 1327.00965
HSBC HSBC Holdings plc 49.25 1.1501 0.56 48.74 49.3 49.3 36.93 176866600000 46.3828 43.74415 NYSE 308950 1115892 48.74 48.69 6.1 8.07 2025-02-19T08:30:00.000+0000 3591200000 2024-12-24 18:00:02 1.1501 3.59697 6.32556 7.2751 12.67445 21.45499 63.7845 26.54162 2.56143 115.2535
RY Royal Bank of Canada 120.57 -0.1243 -0.15 120.35 120.8 128.05 93.97 170606550000 123.8988 112.61305 NYSE 252706 1117758 120.69 120.72 7.86 15.34 2025-02-26T05:00:00.000+0000 1415000000 2024-12-24 18:00:01 -0.1243 0.83633018 -2.88361 -3.18773 14.17614 18.26385 14.18695 53.27994 74.05803 1975.21515
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 64.37 0.14 0.09 64.1108 64.47 67.45 43.86 60331876790 64.1426 54.84305 NYSE 3281845 1030934 64.17 64.28 5.09 12.65 2025-02-26T13:30:00.000+0000 937267000 2024-12-24 18:00:02 0.14 1.44996 -0.55615634 3.42224 33.74195 31.87871 9.58461 55.29554 48.83237 322.09836
BMO Bank of Montreal 96.84 -0.1444 -0.14 96.57 97.26 104.63 76.98 70660758600 94.8934 90.39375 NYSE 192080 922550 97.26 96.98 6.64 14.58 2025-02-25T05:00:00.000+0000 729665000 2024-12-24 18:00:02 -0.1444 0.59208476 2.58475 6.68723 14.72574 -2.15217 -10.05016 25.97893 37.90943 946.91892
BNS The Bank of Nova Scotia 53.6 -0.0746 -0.04 53.465 53.77 57.07 43.68 65904952000 54.2376 49.8972 NYSE 346148 1402869 53.77 53.64 4.1 13.07 2025-02-25T05:00:00.000+0000 1229570000 2024-12-24 18:00:02 -0.0746 0.56285178 -4.66026 -2.18978 17.82809 11.29568 -24.41123 -4.01146 -5.96491 1454.52643