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Peers Analysis for KWR

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symbol name price changes percentage change day low day high year high year low market cap price avg 50 price avg 200 exchange volume avg volume open previous close eps pe earnings announcement shares outstanding timestamp 1 day return % 1 week return % 1 month return % 3 months return % 6 months return % 1 year return % 3 years return % 5 years return % 10 years return % maximum return %
KWR Quaker Chemical Corporation 141.68 -2.55176 -3.71 141.535 147.26 207.83 124.66 2520175504 140.2418 162.0965 NYSE 148776 149920 147.26 145.39 6.81 20.8 2025-02-24T21:00:00.000+0000 17787800 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -2.55176 1.49724 1.05563 -14.20093 -15.19215 -28.82906 -27.74009 -20.0677 62.14237 7317.80105
MTX Minerals Technologies Inc. 69.97 -1.58931 -1.13 69.59 71.86 90.3 69.43 2231252339 75.5662 78.3128 NYSE 182032 163644 71.86 71.1 5.17 13.53 2025-04-23T10:59:00.000+0000 31888700 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -1.58931 -2.22191 -7.60597 -16.09306 -8.9288 -2.83294 -1.87912 34.99904 -3.62259 723.17647
IOSP Innospec Inc. 103.36 0.20359 0.21 102.18 104.35 133.71 99.49 2579834592 111.4814 116.84395 NASDAQ 281005 134389 104.35 103.15 1.42 72.79 2025-05-07T10:59:00.000+0000 24959700 2025-02-21 21:00:02 0.20359 -4.17207 -10.47207 -13.68685 -9.08611 -17.13965 7.56582 13.63237 137.22745 517.07463
FUL H.B. Fuller Company 57.33 -3.04414 -1.8 56.97 59.185 87.67 56.97 3134523483 64.6344 75.4734 NYSE 451272 398071 59.13 59.13 2.3 24.93 2025-03-25T10:59:00.000+0000 54675100 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -3.04414 -5.53633 -8.00706 -24.72426 -31.28371 -27.23696 -16.5016 25.31148 28.11173 5360.0
CBT Cabot Corporation 84.47 -1.21623 -1.04 84.28 86.25 117.46 82.27 4580090105 90.9768 100.0751 NYSE 576803 402544 86.25 85.51 7.51 11.25 2025-05-05T04:00:00.000+0000 54221500 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -1.21623 -3.08628 -5.52511 -23.45959 -18.96585 1.66085 17.36835 103.83687 81.14947 8347.0
ODC Oil-Dri Corporation of America 42.7 -0.17534 -0.075 42.12 43.3255 46.5 29.475 509101724 42.7647 36.5588 NYSE 35801 39384 43.27 42.775 3.09 13.82 2025-03-11T21:00:00.000+0000 11922757 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -0.17534 -0.23364486 0.4233302 20.92892 23.62478 27.95924 176.9131 145.26134 177.81392 3016.78832
SXT Sensient Technologies Corporation 69.23 -0.9018 -0.63 69.14 70.54 82.99 64.11 2934888159 73.7346 75.75175 NYSE 218707 198761 70.54 69.86 2.94 23.55 2025-04-25T04:00:00.000+0000 42393300 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -0.9018 -2.21751 -9.26606 -11.99949 -8.25603 2.27508 -12.97297 24.33549 9.74952 4484.76821
NTIC Northern Technologies International Corporation 11.17 -3.20624 -0.37 11.1387 11.65 19.63 10.96 105785597 12.698 13.87685 NASDAQ 19230 21537 11.65 11.54 0.52 21.48 2025-04-09T12:30:00.000+0000 9470510 2025-02-21 21:00:02 -3.20624 0.54005401 -8.74183 -20.15726 -16.39222 -18.4076 -17.25926 -17.25926 6.58397 675.69444