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Peers Analysis for TWNK

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symbol name price changes percentage change day low day high year high year low market cap price avg 50 price avg 200 exchange volume avg volume open previous close eps pe earnings announcement shares outstanding timestamp 1 day return % 1 week return % 1 month return % 3 months return % 6 months return % 1 year return % 3 years return % 5 years return % 10 years return % maximum return %
TWNK Hostess Brands, Inc. 33.3 -0.1499 -0.05 33.28 33.41 33.74 21.59 4424304600 32.2358 26.476875 NASDAQ 52705283 3339310 33.37 33.35 1.25 26.64 2023-11-03T00:00:00.000+0000 132862000 2023-11-06 21:00:00 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.31207 28.72053 32.88109 142.18182 180.30303 239.79592 239.79592
SMPL The Simply Good Foods Company 37.31 0.53894 0.2 36.92 37.6 40.525 30.0 3769503920 37.6456 35.89542 NASDAQ 757368 980510 37.31 37.11 1.41 26.46 2025-04-02T12:30:00.000+0000 101032000 2025-02-21 21:00:01 0.53894 0.40365985 -0.50666667 -4.35786 16.73967 6.32659 -0.71846727 63.78402 210.91667 210.91667
THS TreeHouse Foods, Inc. 30.58 0.22943 0.07 30.14 31.065 43.84 28.04 1535116000 33.9118 36.89385 NYSE 627977 626694 30.75 30.51 0.51 59.96 2025-05-05T04:00:00.000+0000 50200000 2025-02-21 21:00:02 0.22943 0.69147185 -12.17691 -13.98031 -24.23191 -15.71114 -22.06932 -30.5 -64.04468 3.13659
POST Post Holdings, Inc. 115.66 0.77546 0.89 114.21 116.44 125.84 99.62 6532696554 111.1694 110.70965 NYSE 550397 603284 114.98 114.77 6.07 19.05 2025-04-30T10:59:00.000+0000 56481900 2025-02-21 21:00:02 0.77546 3.62871 8.37706 -0.1208981 -0.83168996 10.71121 66.72913 67.30797 249.95461 892.7897
NOMD Nomad Foods Limited 18.85 2.7248 0.5 18.16 18.92 20.05 15.43 3072135300 17.192 17.7544 NYSE 923664 644698 18.41 18.35 1.29 14.61 2025-02-27T12:00:00.000+0000 162978000 2025-02-21 21:00:02 2.7248 5.83942 14.17323 6.07766 1.07239 1.3986 -22.23597 -3.48182 84.80392 63.20346
JJSF J&J Snack Foods Corp. 129.29 4.29977 5.33 124.0 129.79 180.8 116.6 2519900887 144.4648 161.3944 NASDAQ 140384 116584 124.92 123.96 4.34 29.79 2025-05-05T04:00:00.000+0000 19490300 2025-02-21 21:00:00 4.29977 4.9517 -5.95723 -24.46249 -23.03709 -10.02784 -17.83808 -26.38921 27.66861 4389.23611